Wednesday, November 4, 2015

10 U.S. Animals You Won’t Find Anywhere Else

10>Apache trout:

The state fish of Arizona, the apache trout is a critically endangered freshwater fish in the salmon family. Reaching up to 61 cm (24 inches) in length and weighing up to 2.7 kg (6 pounds), it is native to the upper Salt River watershed (Black and White rivers) and the upper Little Colorado River watershed.

9>Island fox:

Also known as coast fox or short-tailed fox, the island fox is a small fox native to six of the eight Channel Islands of California. There are six subspecies of the fox, each unique to the island it lives on, reflecting its evolutionary history. Weighing between 1 and 2.8 kg (2.2 and 6.2 lb), it eats fruits, insects, birds, eggs, lizards, rodents…pretty much anything it wants to eat.

8>Pigmy rattlesnake:

Scientifically known as Sistrurus Miliarius, the Pigmy rattlesnake is a small venomous pit viper native to southeastern US.

Allen's hummingbird:
Common only in the brushy woods, gardens, and meadows of coastal California, the Allen’s hummingbird is a small bird, with mature adults measuring only up to 9 cm (3.5 inches). Like all hummingbirds, the Allen’s hummingbird’s high rate of metabolism requires it to feed frequently, about every hour. It drinks nectar from flowers and eats small insects.

Florida panther:

An endangered subspecies of cougar, the Florida panther (sometimes also known as the mountain lion and by several other names) is a big cat that lives in forests and swamps of southern Florida. Almost driven to extinction in the 1970s, its population is now estimated to be about 160 specimens. In 1982, the Florida panther was chosen as the Florida state animal.

Potter´s angelfish:                                             

Named in honor of Frederick A. Potter, the former director of the Waikiki Aquarium, the Potter´s angelfish is a small colorful fish native to the Hawaiian Islands. These up to 10 cm (4 inches) long fish inhabit rocky ledges, where they feed on algae and detritus.

4>Alaska marmot:

Also known as the Browers, the Alaska marmot is a medium-sized rodent living in the scree slopes of the Brooks Range, Alaska. It can be recognized by its short neck, small ears, short powerful legs and feet, densely furred bushy tail, and a thick body covered in coarse hair. Alaska marmots are very social animals, living in colonies of up to 50 members.

3>Giant garter snake:
The largest species of garter snake, the giant garter snake is a harmless largely aquatic snake endemic to the Central Valley wetlands of California. It is active when water temperatures are at 68° F (20°C) or more, and is dormant underground when its aquatic habitat is below this temperature.

Yellow-billed magpie:
Another animal endemic to the Central Valley of California, the yellow-billed magpie is a large bird in the crow family. It is closely related to the black-billed magpie that can be found in much of North America.

Hopi chipmunk:

Found in Colorado, Utah, Arizona and some southwestern United States, the Hopi chipmunk is a small abundant chipmunk that feeds on nuts, seeds and fruits. Unlike some other chipmunk species, the Hopi chipmunks are naturally timid, and even individuals born in captivity never become tame.


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